I write because nobody listens…
- Bri'Monae
Dignity In Doctors, Tickets and Laundry
In both of these harsh settings the order allows for people to experience some dignity; leaving us reflecting on the different approaches to care in this border context…
Shoeless Teenagers, Rain, Rain and Rain.
“Diakon” as I call him, suffers from pains in his legs and his back… He is a nice and gentle young man but being a refugee and living in a camp has left him marked.
Journaling - A Commitment to Worship
Hungry For Justice
Keep Calm and Listen - Reflecting on the Recent Incident in Streatham
As information started circulating and reporters arrived at the scene, it became apparent that the attack was terrorist related. “This stuff doesn’t happen in Streatham, why Streatham?” was a frequent response from residents…
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough
Earlier on in the year, I went hiking after visiting some family. My cousin arranged for us to do some hiking in Lake District. Having not checked the details of where we were going, I drove up pretty excited. We reached our destination, I had my camera, my hat, my walking boots, loads of food and I wore jeans. I was ready to go, or so I thought.