Letters to My Younger Self: Felicia Ansah
Dear Younger Me,
Don’t sweat the small stuff.
You have lived your life with 'clenched teeth' and suffered from the sickness of perfectionism, but you will soon find out that life Is to most extent, out of your control.
Stuff just happens.
What you need to do Is develop resilience for when things don't go according to plan. The things you think are so Important now, won't matter in the future.
You suffered loneliness as an only child, not to fear, before long you will have a world of women who will support and laugh with you and even a best friend - the sister you have always wanted. As you let your guard down and reach out to others, more than a wave of love will come back to you.
The health choices you make now WILL affect you greatly in years to come. Choose fruit over the cake, exercise over TV and water over Coke - your ability to look good even when you eat what you want when you want won't last forever!
Travel when you get the opportunity, that way In years to come when you are unable to, you will have a wealth of memories of trips and experiences that enriched your life (I am writing this during the 2020 COVID-19 crisis lockdown).
When you reach 50, you will completely not care anymore.
- Not about your past
- Not about what people say or think about you
- Not about what society Is doing or saying.
You will experience the freedom of living life on your terms - It will be a very momentous time for you.
For all the years of your young adult life when you thought God had 'dropped' you when you lost your mother when she was 45 and you were 21, you will realise in the end that was the time when He was actually 'carrying you' and He has been faithful to you ALL your life - before and after coming to Christ.
Watch your finances!
There will come a time when you will become, 'unemployable'. You will baulk at the idea of getting up on a Monday morning, rushing to get squashed on the bus and hassled on the underground. Going to work for a boss you don't like, with colleagues who may or may not like you.
Your desire to have your own business will never leave you and In the attempt to have a successful business, being penny-wise and pound-conscious will stand you In good stead.
And never give up tithing, God Is too faithful.
Finally, learn to trust God.
Don't just know about Him, or know the WORD, but Invest time getting to KNOW HIM for yourself. That way you will not have to fear tomorrow. Someone once said 'I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds tomorrow - don’t give up your faith'.
His Word says In Psalms 139:16 paraphrased 'Every day of my life Is written In His book before even one of them has come to pass'.
God has written a good future for you, so keep your head up and smile at JESUS.
Felicia Ansah
Felicia Ansah
I am a lover of life and fun and freedom are my highest values. As a Public Speaking and Business Strategy Coach, I empower women to show up on line as their most magnificent selves.