Letters to My Younger Self: Shoshanna Hudson
Dear Friend,
You Are Different
Let’s be honest, life can be confusing, scary and quite daunting at times, right? And sometimes the whole experience can feel really lonely because no-one understands you or the way your peculiar brain works.
You know, the way you can’t sleep at night because you’re thinking about 17 different things all at once. Or how you can barely finish a sentence because your mind has already moved onto the next thing before your lips have managed to get the first thing out.
Let’s not forget the fact that you can’t even tell a simple story without going into every minuscule contextual detail, so instead choose to keep silent for fear of boring anyone. And then there’s the desperate, perpetual desire for privacy, but feeling lost as soon as you’re away from your family for more than a few hours. Well, friend, the truth is, you are a tad peculiar. But that’s okay. In fact, it’s more than okay.
God created you and those little intricacies that make you feel a little bit weird for a very special purpose. That’s good news, right? Well, here’s even better news. If you let God guide you, he will show you that the things you consider to be your flaws, they're actually kinda more like superpowers. I use the term superpowers, not for dramatic effect but because the seeds God has given you turn super when empowered by the Holy Spirit. You just have to be willing to let him work through you.
You Are Not Alone
So yes, you are wonderfully different, but you are not alone! We are designed to live a full life in communion with others. It’s one way that God made us in his image. In His triune nature, not even God is alone. So, try not to isolate yourself, no matter how deliciously comfortable solitude can feel.
Look I get it, parties can be a pain, social media monotonous and the persistent buzz from Whatsapp (or perhaps Telegram) groups are almost impossible to keep up with. Like seriously, how do people do it? All these things that the average person seem to navigate with such grace but are somehow so overwhelming to people like us.
I know friendships can also be complicated and you’ve been hurt in the past, but it’s so important to have at least one or two reliable people that you can confide in. There are 7.674 billion people in the world to choose from, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find a couple that are weird like you.
Be Wise
As you curate your inner circle, be wise and guard your heart. As Proverbs 27:17 says,
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
These are the people you should spend your time with, they can help you sharpen your unique superpowers. But only if they are strong and of good quality, like iron. This can be through encouragement, accountability, new experiences, enlightening conversations about God, politics, nature, a new recipe you tried last night, or whatever it is that interests you.
So much can be gained and lost through the relationships you have. Be mindful of who you invest your time and energy in. If you find that some relationships add an unreasonable amount of stress and drama whilst leaving you feeling empty and a little less sane, it may be time to establish better boundaries.
Prioritise Your Relationship with God
A strong inner circle is crucial and has an impact on the trajectory of your life. But one relationship that should always take priority, is the one you have with your Creator. To save my best piece of advice until last, nurture your relationship with God. Above all else, seek him.
He is ready and willing to reveal himself to you in ways you could only imagine. He wants to show you how much he loves you, to tell you that he forgives you and that all the things you search for in the world - validation, love, peace, affirmation – He has them in abundance and in the purest form.
I know it’s not easy to turn away from the plethora of dopamine-inducing pleasures that the world has to offer. You know, all the things that the Bible and Church tell you are wrong but feel so good at that moment. But trust me when I say that these are just cheap imitations of what you crave. Distractions that prevent you from experiencing the real deal.
Take the leap
Take the leap. Forget everything you think you know about God and find him for yourself. Start by simply talking to him. Don’t hold back. Your prayers don’t have to be in the King James Version. There’s no pressure. Just be you. God’s waiting to hear from you.
Shoshanna Hudson
Shoshanna Hudson
“Hi I'm Shoshanna, a 20-something wife and mother of two. I have a BA in Psychology, a Psychology PGCE and recently finished an MA in Christian Thought and Practice. I love God and I'm passionate about helping people to understand who he is and what Christianity is all about.”