I write because nobody listens…
- Bri'Monae

Letters to My Younger Self: Sid Narayanan
Dear Sid,
"We did alright," I'll be real with you; life is for living and enjoying the moment. I don't want you to do things half-heartedly and regret it.

Letters to My Younger Self: Bayhano Riley
Dear Younger Me,
When I was planning to write this letter, I was planning to write a different letter entirely. The letter I wanted to write was based on when you left Canterbury, defeated, isolated and scared.

Letters to My Younger Self: Alex Brito
Dear Alex,
You are a grown-up now, can you believe it? Time really flies! At 14, you just wanted it to fly by. Now, I just want it to slow down.

Letters to My Younger Self: Stedroy Duberry
Dear Younger Me,
Keep your head held high! It’s okay that they don’t ‘get you, that’s because you’re unique. It’s all good man. Those tears you cry God understands and they’re making you stronger.

Letters to My Younger Self: Shoshanna Hudson
Dear Friend,
Let’s be honest, life can be confusing, scary and quite daunting at times, right? And sometimes the whole experience can feel really…