I write because nobody listens…
- Bri'Monae

Letters to My Younger Self: Laurence
Dear Laurence,
It may only seem like days to you but at this point, July 2005 is a fair few clicks away. I mention this date because as you know, it was a pivotal moment in our life to begin to understand God's will for us.

Letters to My Younger Self: Afiya Riley
Dear Younger Self,
In a world where there is so much pressure to fit in and have it all together, I want you to know that it’s actually okay not to be either of those things.

Letters to My Younger Self: Florence Ukapbi Okwusogu
Dear Younger Self,
It seems to be customary that when people write letters to their younger selves offering a piece of crucial advice it is often to “follow your gut”, “trust yourself” or “love yourself more”.

Letters to My Younger Self: Davina Beckford
Dear Younger Self,
I want to talk to you about your fear. I don't know if you realise this but when it grips you it takes control of your decision-making processes.

Letters to My Younger Self: Moses Mensah
Dear Moses,
… Don’t give up. You are not alone, even in the times when you feel this way. The Lord your God will not leave you nor forsake you.

Letters to My Younger Self: Shoshanna Hudson
Dear Friend,
Let’s be honest, life can be confusing, scary and quite daunting at times, right? And sometimes the whole experience can feel really…

Letters to My Younger Self: Jane Williams
Dear Younger Me,
What I’m going to tell you may sound strange but bear with me.
Over the next few decades, you are going to find many of the things you most desire…