I write because nobody listens…
- Bri'Monae

Letters to My Younger Self: Sid Narayanan
Dear Sid,
"We did alright," I'll be real with you; life is for living and enjoying the moment. I don't want you to do things half-heartedly and regret it.

Letters to My Younger Self: Laurence
Dear Laurence,
It may only seem like days to you but at this point, July 2005 is a fair few clicks away. I mention this date because as you know, it was a pivotal moment in our life to begin to understand God's will for us.

Letters to My Younger Self: Afiya Riley
Dear Younger Self,
In a world where there is so much pressure to fit in and have it all together, I want you to know that it’s actually okay not to be either of those things.

Letters to My Younger Self: Florence Ukapbi Okwusogu
Dear Younger Self,
It seems to be customary that when people write letters to their younger selves offering a piece of crucial advice it is often to “follow your gut”, “trust yourself” or “love yourself more”.

Letters to My Younger Self: Keifer Lucchi
Dear Younger Me,
You’ve lived a large part of your life feeling the need to live up to the expectations of others, and I know better than anyone, that it’s killing you.

Letters to My Younger Self
Dear Reader,
Roll back the clock, a little past twelve and you will find a young black teen full of insecurities. A teen with a desire to be known. It would be easy to provide reasons for my insecurities